Balthazar is back

Balthazar is back and he has been here for two days now. It turned out that the girl who bought him is allergic to cats.

We drove to her and got Balthazar home Thursday night. (We wanted to spare him from the stress of travelling by bus, so we had to drive there in the middle of the night after we got a late call. We were back at home around 2AM).

Balthazar was out of here for two days only and he is so young so I think he will forget fast that he moved. He was so happy when he got back home to his mom and sisters.


This was so unexpected and saddening. We’ve never experienced anything similar, and we hope that it will never happen again.

We wish only permanent loving homes for our kittens. We are very careful with who gets to buy our kittens. But sometimes unpredictable things happen. Luckily this move lasted for a short time, and we hope that Balthazar will forget it fast.

I think he has almost forgotten it. 🙂


2 comments on “Balthazar is back

  1. Poor wee Balthazar !!! Poor lady … I bet she is heartbroken too!!!! My husband is allergic to cats – in that if he touches them and then touches his own face he will come up in a red rash just as if he has been hit. My children now allergic to cats now they are adults !! [We had two black sister cats, Binkle and Flip, who were part Siamese when the children were still young and had no problems …] both my son and daughter take Zirtec, and anti histamine if they are going to visit us and Saffy !!

    I am so sad for Balthazar and the lady – but hope that Balthazar will find a lovely new home, and wonderful people to love soon toon. An extra cuddle and squeeze from me for Balthazar! XXXXXXX Oh go on… a few kisses too … I can’t resist that little furry face !!! XXX

    • Jocke is also allergic to cats! He got used to our cats, he needs antihistamines only occasionally, mostly when we visit other people with cats. He is allergic to dogs, too, and that reaction is much worse. I was never allergic to either cats or dogs, but when we just got Maven I was a bit sensitive and had a runny nose for a few weeks, but then I got used to the furry creature.

      Siamese do not usually cause that strong allergic reaction as some other cats, but in this case the girl did not want to risk getting worse, or take medications regularly. Also it was good for Balthazar to come back as soon as possible; better sooner than later.

      I think it is for the best like this. We’ll let him forget the experience and the stress, and then look for new owners.

      Thank you for your well wishes! 🙂

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