The Army of Clones gets bigger

(about Jossan’s secret plan to take over the world)

Jocke and I are just two ordinary people who have cats (or the other way round), live with cats and adore them. But at the same time, we are fascinated by Siamese cats and we have a cattery registered in FIFe. Sometimes we have kittens available to loving permanent homes. We feel that others should have as amazing cats as we have and we work hard to preserve health and all that makes Siamese cats so special. But before all, we love our furry family members all the same, Siamese or not.

Boys who never become full fledged studs, but live happy pet lives, and yet manage to become fathers to one or two litters before becoming neuters are extremely beneficial for their race. If it was not for them, there would be a couple of so called ‘matador’ studs per generation and all the queens would be mated to them which in the long run would lead to diminishing of the genetical diversity in the whole population/race and that is ultimately a bad thing. That would give us cats with poor immune system that are more prone to get sick and live shorter in average.

But not only for the greater good, but also because he was such a beautiful kitten, and one of Jossan’s big and happy babies (the Army of Clones, she might say), we are delighted to announce that one of the Jossan’s babies from the C-litter, Casper (now called Imre, and apparently, not a baby anymore) became a father at Malviken’s cattery, at Sunne, Sweden.

July 29, 2013, 8 (yes, EIGHT!) adorable Siamese kittens were born at Malviken’s, pure Siamese for many generations.

S*Malviken's Maria Nyckelpiga and her kittens, one day old

S*Malviken’s Maria Nyckelpiga and her kittens, one day old, photo by Kristina Norderup

Here you can follow their development (in Swedish).

Now they are three weeks old and lovely, healthy and growing well. Imre is now a happy neuter. Many congratulations to Imre’s Mom and Maria Nyckelpiga’s Mom to their (and our) ‘grandchildren’! There are 3 white boys, one white girl, and 3 boys and one girl with points. Here is a few pictures that I borrowed from Kristina Norderup (S*Malviken’s), with her permission:

Casper's and Maria's kittens: the pile of cuteness, 3 weeks old

Casper’s and Maria’s kittens: the pile of cuteness, 3 weeks old

3 weeks old

3 weeks old

3 weeks old, and ready to take over the world

3 weeks old, and ready to take over the world

A proud father, SE*La Voix Casper

Proud father, SE*La Voix Casper

SIA w67, Foreign white boy (red)

Casper, 3 weeks old, June 2012 (If you wonder about his manicure – no, he did not catch and kill anything before the photo shoot; his claws were painted red with a nail polish in order to distinguish him from his other white siblings)

Imre and his friends

At the end of March we went for a visit to the cat family where Claire’s brother Casper, now called Imre lives. He lives with one Cornish Rex and two Burmese cats. I never petted a Burmese before, and they are so nice to touch, velvety and have very special fur! They look small and like they do not weigh much, but they are very compact so to say and weigh as a sack of stones! As I read somewhere, “bricks wrapped in silk” describes them really well.

Here are a few pictures of the gorgeous Imre and his friends. He became such a handsome boy! Of all the siblings, he is the most similar to Albert in his looks, but not so much in his ways. They are different cats. 🙂 What is similar that they are big personalities in small and also compact bodies.

This is my favorite picture, he looks here like a little robot toy in a shape of a cat.

Imre, Robocat

Imre, Robocat


Imre with funny dark hair at his forehead.

Those darker markings are not uncommon at all white cats when they are still kittens and disappear later. Claire has some in her tail, and Albert also had them at forehead when he was young. Young cats are not penalized for those at exhibitions.


Imre, peeking. The markings, the tongue! 🙂


Imre, a look of a genuine deep thinker.


Octavia, a graceful lady


Daphne, the cutest bottom ever!




Matteo, Cornish Rex. It is Imre’s fault that Matteo now has some extra weight. Kitten food! Ask Leroy, he knows everything about that.

We are very happy we got a chance to see Imre again and meet his friends. They are all very lovely and we spent (free willingly) the most of our visit on the floor, playing with the cats. Thank you so much, Désirée!

The True Jungle King (or Mr Sung if you prefer)

We got a few pictures of Sung (Alessandro), Albert’s blue brother from the A-litter who lives in Malmö with his humans and Skeletor. He and his furry friend spend the days in the sun on their balcony.


Skeletor and Sung, May 2013

And look how stylish he is. Who is tougher? Mr Phantom or Mr Sung? The answer is kind of obvious if you only count how many little skulls each of them wears.


Mr Phantom

plenty of skulls

Mr Sung


The True Jungle King


Spring is in the air!

Spring is in the air! What? Spring, on the March 1, in Stockholm? No, of course not! There is at least a month or two of winter ahead of us, but – we got tulips in our stores, plenty of them!

Anders who is Dad to Corto and Calvin, got the prettiest bouquet of tulips and I can only imagine how happy he was when he realized that his fur babies like flowers in vases, they find them so decorative… a sort of Morticia Addams decorative:

Morticia trims the roses; on the other end

Morticia trims the roses; not in the most usual way (for humans). But, if you are a cat, Morticia’s way is perfectly logical.

These are a few pictures that I borrowed from Anders. The boys are not eating tulips, they just trim them a bit and play football with the crowns. (Tulips are not poisonous for cats, but they can get bad tummies if they eat too much of them).

Calvin and Corto: "We'll help you trim those, Dad!"

Calvin and Corto: “We’ll help you trim those, Dad!”





The game is on!

The game is on!

Thank you Anders, for the lovely pictures! 🙂

In memoriam – Affe

We are not the same species, but our souls are made of the same matter.

There are both animals and humans I loved that are not among us anymore and I miss them greatly. I believe they did not just disappear into nothingness. I believe the soul is eternal. I am an atheist, but that has nothing to do with my beliefs.

I miss them so much, those beautiful souls, that loved unconditionally and were loved back.

♥  I love you, Affe, and I know that your Mom you chose yourself loved you enormously. You lived a life way too short, but you were loved from its start to its end more than many that walked this Earth. Love you, always. We will meet again. ♥ 

Love and care for your dear ones every day, you never know how much time we have left together on this Earth.

Alfred, Albert’s and Claire’s brother from A-litter died February 4th. He was born May 23, 2010. He was an emotional, generous, expressive, loving cat with opinions and when his future Mom came to us and met all the seven kittens, he went to her and sat in her lap. He chose her (he never did that to anyone else that came to visit us during their first three months of life). There was a connection and affection between his Mom and him from the moment they met. We are glad that he got to spend all the time he had in his short life with her, her little daughter and his sister Ada, also from the first litter.

Affe and Ada, summer 2011

It took me almost two weeks to gather strength to write that he died. I cried every night and during the days. The worst part is that I know how much Alfred was loved by his family and how much he will be missed. He lived way too short life, but it was a good life, filled with much love.

He was let go on the operating table, where the veterinaries tried to operate a rare form of abdominal cancer that progressed fast, that no one of the cats behind him in recent generations had and that he had no other risks for (FeLV or FIV virus). There is no known genetic component to that awful disease, but Siamese may be more prone to it than other races. It was too late, and he could not be saved, nor his life prolonged more than days. He was let go, and never woke up.

Affe will always be loved and never forgotten. ♥ He brought so much joy and love to people around him, and that is how he will be remembered.

A few pictures of Affe, when he was a kitten, taken 2,5 years ago.

Alfred, 11 weeks

Alfred, 11 weeks, August 2010

Alfred, 11 weeks

Alfred, 11 weeks, August 2010

Alfred, 11 weeks

Alfred, 11 weeks, August 2010


Recently we got a lot of pictures from Gusten’s ‘mom’ Maria, and update about the little dark nose. 🙂 Gusten is a classic seal point, like his sister Bea from B-litter. He was very similar to Albert in temper when they were small. A bit less wild, but as playful.

Like his mom and brother Tjabo (Antoine, who lives up north in Luleå) Gusten grew up to be an excellent hunter of not only toys. He goes out when it’s not cold.

Gusten, 6 weeks

I was not too surprised to hear that he even tried to sneak on a roe deer! The deer noticed him and left, but Gusten continued to follow the deer in the hunting fashion! I’ve seen Jossan do the same thing with a group of five roe deer and it is so funny! Cats are about 50 times smaller than deer. I think that cats are aware of their and their prey size, but instincts are still so strong – a prey is a prey, and cats are predators.

There are some pictures of Gusten playing with a real mouse and also catching a bird, but I won’t post them here, for the faint of heart (as I am. Our cats do not bring me presents anymore. Although Leroy and Miii can cach in the best case an insect. But Maven and Jossan… that is another story. Albert does not go out. If he did, he would probably be the first cat to actually catch a deer!)

Elora and Gusten, 2011

Gusten, 2011

Gusten, 2011

Gusten hunting, 2011

Gusten in front of the fireplace, summer 2011 is over

Bea jumping high

We got one series of pictures from Agneta, Bea’s ‘mom’.

Agneta woke up early one morning. She heard noise that at first she thought came from the walls.

Was it mice, she wondered. No, it was Bea, standing very high, doing stuff! Agneta grabbed the mobile that was standing next to her bed and took pictures of the little explorer. After the last picture was taken, Bea fell down in her human’s bed. 🙂 I thought to share the pictures here. Thank you so much for the photo, Agneta! 🙂

Bea, boldly jumping where no kitten has jumped before

Ada and Alfred, summer 2011

Ada and Affe who moved together to their new home last year had an exciting summer! Here they are, enjoying lovely Swedish summer (the pictures are taken in July). Ada is blue (darker), Affe is lilac (lighter). It is so nice to see them all grown up and big and so well taken care of.

"Wait for me, Ada!"

On the island

Thank Jenny for these and many more pictures you have sent us. Also, a big thank you to all the kittens’ owners for the pictures and updates, we are so happy when we get them.

Kittens 5 months – update

The kittens from the B-litter have been living at their new homes for more than month and a half now. All of them are doing fine, and are very much loved by their other family members. Belle was a bit sick (she had a cough), but she got antibiotics and got well fast. Balthazar is called Phil now. Doyle and Phil, that sounds nice together.

I will post a few pictures that we got from the kittens’ new owners. Thank you for being so kind and for updating us about the kittens!

Blanche wants to go out. But, she is small, so for now all that she can do is can look at other cats in their little yard. But, is she happy with that?

Out! I want to go mewaoouuut!

She is so cute with her double teeth. 🙂

Belle is loved by her mom and also, by her Siamese friend Cayman. She loves Cayman too, so much that she is nursing on him. Poor Cayman is nice and lets her do it. He lost a bit of fur on his tummy, though. She will stop in a while on her own, kittens sometimes do that after they moved from their mom, it makes them feel secure.

Cute as always!

Belle and Cayman

Doyle is taking well care of Phil, whose ears are (I guess) always super clean!

Cleaned! The ears must be cleaned!

Sleepy guys

"I love you, you velvety tiger!"

And what does Bea say? Miriam cleans her as thoroughly as Doyle cleans Phil. She is very fond of climbing high up on shelves and wardrobes and tossing down the things that are fun to play with. She did not break anything so far. And we hope she doesn’t! 🙂

"Even I get tired sometimes!"

B-litter has moved out

All the kittens have moved out; Blanche three weeks ago, then Bea two weeks ago, Belle 10 and Balthazar 9 days ago. We miss them a lot, but how happy we are to receive updates and pictures about our small darlings. It is going well for all of them.

What happened with Balthazar?

We were worried about Balthazar, but now we feel that he got the home he was meant to live in from the start. His humans love him so much, and he got a 2 year old Bengal cat, handsome Doyle, as a friend! Those guys are both so pretty and I got tears in my eyes when I saw the videos and pictures I got from their ‘mom’:

Safe distance, after a few days of 'hide-and-seek' (all the pictures and the video in this post are taken by Mikaela, the kitties 'mom')

This is what I found online about Bengal cats:

Bengals are highly intelligent. They like to have close contact with people and are very entertaining, because they love to play and will find something to occupy themselves. They bond strongly to their owners, either individuals or whole families, in an almost dog-like fashion. Many learn to walk on a leash, to fetch, and to ride in cars. Bengals love water. They like to play in it or with it and many join their owners in the shower or bath tub. They are not lap cats. Though a favorite person is allowed to hold his or her Bengal for a while, the Bengal prefers to sit on or near “his” person at his own discretion.

We met Doyle before Balthazar moved and he was so nice; very curious and friendly and vocal, which I liked, but he did not like to be lifted. When I tried to lift him the first time he was a bit surprised, but only said one little : “Ugh”. The next time I tried to do that (to feel his weight) his meow was more complaining, so I put him down and just petted him. He is a very nice cat, and I love animals, so it was an amazing experience for me to get social with a Bengal cat. 🙂 He seemed pretty intelligent and his non-verbal communication was quite developed. It is race- and individual-specific, but you also can see when people worked with their animals; their psyche, comprehension and communication skills are more refined at animals that got a lot of time and care.

"Talk to the paw!"

"YOU talk to the paw!"

Doyle was (of course) scared and cautious and loud when Balthazar moved in, and so was Balthazar; Doyle was the biggest cat he’d ever seen! It took them a week after one hissing_hiding_and_being_scared_but_oh_so_curious start until they became best friends.

Little wonderful white Balthazar, he got his perfect home for good. Many thanks to his humans for all the love for the little one and the good home they gave them (and all the pictures! :))

Doyle and Balthazar sleeping together in their cat tree.

Blanche in her new home

Blanche moved into her new home nine days ago. That is an interesting home; two humans and three Siames cats, two of which are as white as Blanche! Yes, two Foreign Whites. 🙂

White Siamese (or – Foreign Whites) are not common. There are very few in Sweden and Norway. The first ones I saw in Sweden were Snow Queen and Snow Princess, the cats from a small cattery called Love me tender. I was in love, but it took a few years until we got our first white Siamese, this time from our own breeding. That is Albert. We kept him fertile for some time and two ladies were interested in mating their Siamese cats with him. Thanks to that now there is five more white Siamese in Sweden and Norway, and two of them will stay at their breeder’s homes.

Also, there are two more whites we got – Balthazar and Blanche. Blanche, Jossan’s white daughter moved to Love Me Tender cattery!

Blanche was tough while we were there, for a few hours. But then we left and she realized that she is small, the other cats are big. They smell and sound differently and everything is new and scary! The humans were nice and she was petted, kissed, fed and played with, and the big cats left her alone, so it was not all bad after all. She is sleeping in her humans’ bed every night, under the blanket.

A day after she moved to her new home, she was already playing around in the apartment, but was also afraid and careful at times. During the following few days she was playing tough with the big cats, roared at them (she is tiny and they are big :)) and even followed them and ‘attacked’ them as a little terrorist!

With time she got tired of all that and being the baby she is, she needed some more love and attention from the big cats, not only humans. The big cats were curious, but certain rituals had to be fulfilled. Cats have their rules and protocols and they stick to them!

Yesterday: Blanche sitting next to Sessan. Sessan is ignoring her.

This evening we got a picture from her ‘mom’. Sessan, one of the big cats came and lied next to the little Blanche and licked her! 🙂 Then Coco licked her also. What a happiness for little Blanche! She is a part of her new cat family!

Today, finally: "You are small and yucky, but I'll lick you. But, only because I feel like it".

Blanche’s new mom blogs about her cats here, it is in Swedish.

We miss Blanche, but we are happy that she is so loved in her new home and that it is going so well for her! Many thanks for the pictures and regular updates to Blanches new mom, Dragana. 🙂

Balthazar is back

Balthazar is back and he has been here for two days now. It turned out that the girl who bought him is allergic to cats.

We drove to her and got Balthazar home Thursday night. (We wanted to spare him from the stress of travelling by bus, so we had to drive there in the middle of the night after we got a late call. We were back at home around 2AM).

Balthazar was out of here for two days only and he is so young so I think he will forget fast that he moved. He was so happy when he got back home to his mom and sisters.


This was so unexpected and saddening. We’ve never experienced anything similar, and we hope that it will never happen again.

We wish only permanent loving homes for our kittens. We are very careful with who gets to buy our kittens. But sometimes unpredictable things happen. Luckily this move lasted for a short time, and we hope that Balthazar will forget it fast.

I think he has almost forgotten it. 🙂


Albert is neutered. The kittens turned 13 weeks and started moving out.

So much has happened lately.

Albert is neutered.

He will be fertile for a few more weeks, but his spaying is an irreversible process. It was not an easy decision to neuter Albert. He did not spray, and he was such a dream to have as a stud, but he got interested in Jossan and having him fertile would mean that we would have to keep him and Jossan separated during the time we are not at home. That is not an option. Physically it is possible, our house is big, but we do not want our cats to live lives like that. Pets come before breeding.

And he did get two litters of gorgeous kittens; four kittens in Oslo and five in Åkersberga, close to Stockholm.
So, he is neutered; our happy cuddly white cat.

B-litter turned 13 weeks

And they learned how to fly:

I can fly!

Belle and Blanche playing nicely

Blanche barks at the toy, and Bea aims to kill it, silently.

Belle, Blanche, Balthazar

Continue reading

Show brag

Two weeks ago Antoine (whose pet name now is Tjabo) was exhibited in Umeå. He got two CAC (which is wonderful!) and very high marks from the judges! This is how the judges described the beautiful lilac boy (ex stands for excellent):

TYPE: Very long, strong muscled body ex high on legs. Still a teenager, babyround.

HEAD: ex strong prophile ex.wedge. Nice length of the triangle. Almost straight sidelines. Sharp profile, could have more height om forehead.

EYES: beautiful deep blue. Nice shape and size, ex deep blue colour.

EARS: ex size, medium low set. Very classic earsetting and size.

COAT: ex. clear points, soft silky and close lying. Really fully developed points to for his age. Ex.lilac colour.

TAIL: ex.long, tapering. Could be a bit more tapeurs, a bit thick on base.

CONDITION: super showcondition. Lovely condition, very sweet and gentle.

GENERAL IMPRESSION: Lovely. Young boy who still needs time to develop.

Tjabo as three months old kitten (now he is about four times bigger :))

His proud owner Agneta is very happy, and so are we! 🙂

Congratulations and many thanks to Agneta for showing Tjabo!

Jossan’s kittens turn 6 months!

Happy 6 months babies! 🙂

Albert celebrated his first six months of life by dragging extra many things from the upper to the bottom floor. He probably thought THAT is why he got petted a little bit extra today, so he kept on working on earning some more praises!

Here is one picture of Sung (Alessandro) we got from his matte today. He is a blue point Siamese and lives in Malmö.

Here is a video of the blue beauty wrestling with Skeletor. Thank you so much, Ellinor for the picture and video!

Sung weighs 4 gk now, Tjabo (Antoine) 3,8-3,9kg and Gusten 3,4kg! Big kittens! Alfred got his first snowball as a present from the little girl he lives with and talked a lot while sitting next to it in the bath tub.

Ada and Alfred, 5 months

We got the latest picture of Ada and Alfred from their beloved matte. They are so pretty! Ada is blue (darker) and Alfred is a lilac point Siamese (lighter in color).

I suspected since they were three weeks old that Alfred was not lilac, but chocolate, and later I settled for caramel lilac, since his color was slightly different (warmer)  than his two lilac brothers’ and Leroy’s and Jossan’s lilac color, but I registered him as lilac. I am still not quite sure what his exact color is, in 1-2 years one can be certain if he is caramel lilac or “just” lilac.

Caramel color modifier was not registered in Sweden earlier, not for Siamese (but it is registered in England, for example, and the cats we imported from England that were caramel lilac/caramel blue got registered as lilac/blue in Sweden). Caramel modifier makes the diluted colors like blue and lilac a bit warmer in tone. Also, the fur gets a special metallic sheen, at blue based caramels. A chocolate or seal point Siamese that is a carrier of caramel modifier looks the same as the one who is not; caramel is not visible on undiluted colors.

I melt when I see Jossan’s babies pictures, they are our little furry babies also, and I am delighted to see them growing and hear that they are so much loved and taken care of.

We also got news about Ash (Archimedes). He weighs 3kg! A big guy! He was so tiny when he got sick, but he struggled like a lion and ate like he was the biggest feline on Earth after he recovered. Now he is one big and fluffy Siamese kitten, that is almost as big as his 3,8kg heavy Cornish Rex friend Misty.

Sung (Alessandro), 5 months

We got some pictures of Sung (Alessandro), the finest Siamese in Malmö (we think :)). He loves his friend Skeletor and gladly studies biology with his matte. He weighs 3,6 kg already (0,3kg more than his mom!). And he looks like Jossan with blue points, I think! Jossan produced seven mini-mes in different colors. Goofy (the kittens’ father) helped with the coloring part. Both Jossan and Goofy have English lines in their pedigrees, with more robust body types. Cuddly, big Siamese!

Look at those eyes! Look at that… hm, enthusiasm (okay, everyone gets tired now and then) for studying biology! Siamese are very helpful and supportive, and Alessandro is not an exception!

Augustin/Gusten caught his first mouse a week ago (the mouse died from a heart attack after being tortured and hunted for 10 hours). Antoine/Tjabo killed his first mouse more than month ago, he was the first of them that killed something more than a toy. Those little, cute, furry killers! 😦 Instincts, what can one do. Alfred and Ada did not kill anything yet, although they made several attempts to murder a very big plant.

Miii managed to get out of the house yesterday. It is cold and we just moved here, I do not dare let the cats go out. She yelled like crazy and ran over four of the neighboring lots! I followed and called her, but she did not want to come to me. Still, she yelled back and did not want me to leave while she explored the area. After 30 minutes I got tired and desperate and went back home. I knew what would happen – and yes, in 5 minutes there she was – back in front of the main entrance, yelling to be let in. 🙂 Miii likes to roam, but she does not like to do it alone.

Visit to the humans owned by Archimedes and Misty

Three days ago we were so happy to visit Archimedes and Misty and their owners.
Those are two very happy and loved cats. Archimedes, pet name Ash, is so big now, we could not believe our eyes when we saw him! He is almost as big as Jossan and looks a lot like her. From some angles you can see that his head is larger and his proportions are typical for tomcats. Also, he has better shape of ears and a bit rounder eyes than Jossan, but from the pictures I took, if I did not know it was him, I’d think it was his mom!
Misty has the softest fur I have ever felt on a cat (she is a Cornish Rex) and is very mild and loving in nature. Ash is quite active and cute as he’s always been, completely comfortable around people; he is one little purring and playing machine. He greets everyone, as he greeted us, but I also think that he did recognize us. He showed us a lot of love, but at the same time he seemed very happy and content with his humans and Misty.
Look how nice they have it there!

Ada and Alfred in Linköping

Ada and Alfred moved together to Linköping, where they will live with one little girl and her mom. Alfred chose his matte when she visited the kittens and the little girl wanted Ada even before they met. I think that Ada and Alfred are a very good match, to live together, personality-wise. Also, they are very loved by their matte and her little daughter.

Alfred is very talkative (Antoine is the most talkative, but Alfred’s vocabulary was the most impressive one) and gentle, but also quite active (although I do not know who was not active, all seven kittens were very active and social from the start).

Ada was always so brave and curious and first with everything. A bit naughty, but so sweet. And the way she would look at you would make anyone melt. She and Archimedes (Albert a little as well) have the most amazing way to make an eye contact and simply hypnotize a person.

Funnily enough, I think that the other four have the better eye shape, according to the Siamese standard, since they are more almond-shaped. But, I notice on Albert that his eyes are getting much more almond-shaped than they used to be. It is exciting to see them grow and change.

On their way to their new home, 2 hours in the car, Alfred cried without stopping. But, upon arrival it did not take them a long time to make themselves feel at home. And, as you can see, they continued to develop their gardening skills that they started here.

Many thanks for the photos we got from their matte!

Augustin in Norrtälje

Augustin, whose pet name is ‘Gusten’, our little praline (seal point actually, but he looked as chocolate; the only seal point kitten in the litter, always so easy to spot when they were small, very playful) moved to Norrtälje. He lives with two humans and Elora, a 5 year old blue Siamese lady. Here is he with beautiful Elora. Dear Gusten’s matte, thank you for these terrific pictures!

He was the last kitten to move out, and Albert and the other cats got very upset when he was gone. They already were quite shaken after Ada and Alfred moved out, but Augustin’s departure was the drop that made them really distressed. We spent a lot of time trying to comfort them, and, luckily, Albert was so active and playful that others got occupied with playing or disciplining him.

But, look at little Gusten. Spoiled? Him?! What do you think? 🙂 (I think that all of the babies are dirt spoiled, and that thought makes me very happy)!

And this one… the cats are so cute when they forget to pull their tongue tip back. 🙂 What an expresion!

Archimedes i Södertälje

When our sweet Archimedes moved out it was tough, we got very attached to him, taking care of him day and night during the time he was sick.

But, we are so happy that he recovered completely and went to a very good home, to the human he ‘chose’ himself. When his future matte and her boyfriend came to meet the kittens, it was Archimedes who came and sat in her lap. Alfred did the same with his human. Sometimes cats choose their human like that.

Archimedes, whose pet name is Ash, also has a cat friend, Misty, about a year old Cornish Rex. They became friends after a couple of days. Misty thought that he was a bit intense at the beginning, but all worked out fine for them quite fast. Here are two of a bunch of pictures we got from the humans owned by Misty and Ash. Thank you, humans! 🙂

Antoine in Luleå

One of the lilac point boys, our little Antoine, was the first to move. He went with his new matte Agneta and her son Josef, who came to get him, all the way to Luleå (800km from Stockholm)!

Being our most talkative kitten (the lilac ones are real talkers), he had a lot of opinions during the travel, but after Uppsala he complained only when Agneta was changing the speed.

On their way to Luleå, they spent one night at her friend’s place, where Antoine promptly discovered everything there was to be discovered. The next day he arrived to his new home where he met Frasse (Frostuddens Frans Albert), a blue point 4-year old Siamese neuter guy. After a day or two of introduction, everything worked out fine for them, and look how the things are now! (Thank you Agneta for sending us pictures of your little darlings!)

Frasse is a real friend; he caught a mouse (a real one!) as a present for Antoine and is trying to get him to follow outside, but Antoine is too young for that.

Antoine talks when he wants something and when he visits the litter box, likes to lie in his matte‘s lap and is social with visitors. At first he sits still and observes them when they arrive, then he goes forward and greets them and socialize. He even falls asleep in their arms sometimes.

Antoine’s pet name has not been decided yet, he is called mostly Tjabo or KomKom for now.

Here is a picture of Antoine taken on August 27th.

He looks a lot like Jossan when she was small, but I think he will have more space between his ears, and they will be more open in the base. But the nose, eyes, chin, the whole face and the body lengths are exactly like his mom’s.